The Start

What questions could I ask?

Coaching is about curiosity. Instead of giving answers to the client, it helps to ask questions.

When they ask for an answer, ask them to answer the question first. Or get curious abot why they’re asking, what they’re hoping the answer will provide them.

Here are some questions to get you started — but with the idea that curiosity is the real stance.

  1. What’s on your mind? (helps them to focus on what matters right now)
  2. And what else? (helps them to go deeper, keep asking it)
  3. What do you want to achieve from this coaching session? (helps them get clear on what we’re working on)
  4. What’s the real challenge here for you? (helps focus them when they’re talking around the problem)
  5. If you could change just one thing right now, what would it be? (if they’re overwhelmed)
  6. How specifically would you know if you accomplished that goal? (helps them get tangible)
  7. What’s standing in your way?
  8. How will you celebrate this victory?
  9. What do you not want to feel or experience?
  10. If you were guaranteed success, what would you try?

When you ask a question, get in the habit of just asking it, without preamble or explanation. Then leave silence, and listen.

NEXT: How will they commit to their lives?