Dive Deeper

How do we deal with breakdowns?

If they are working towards their possibility, and have committed to something that’s outside their predictable results … they’ll get confronted at some point by fear. This is expected and welcomed.

This will feel terrible for them, because it’s not in their comfort zone and they’ll feel like they’re doing everything wrong. This is called the breakdown.

You need to experience the breakdown before you can experience a breakthrough — that magic that has them in a new realm of possibility. The breakthrough is where they start to experience incredible results.

But the breakthrough is when they experience worse results than normal. It’s not fun, and they’ll want to quit. The thing that has them avoiding the breakthrough will show up, the thing they’ve been not wanting to feel.

We want to do the thing we’ve always wanted to do, but without fear. What would serve them is to be able to do it anyway, even with the fear. Keep going!

Your job is to be with them while they’re in the breakdown, to get them, to love them … but not to collapse. You’re here to serve them, not please them, which means that you can encourage them to see what’s going on, to see that what would serve them is to keep going, and to help them to create structure and accountability that’s sufficient to overcoming their resistance & to stay on course.

Love them in their breakdown. It’s what you’re here for.

NEXT: What is a shift in being?