Dive Deeper

What is their possibility?

Every human is unlimited possibility.

And yet, from an early age, we’re taught to limit those possibilities because of fear, stories of limitations, beliefs that we can’t do it or aren’t good enough.

Coaching is an opportunity to reconnect with their possibility, instead of only managing what they’re already predictable to do.

Stepping outside of the realm of predictability, they’re stepping into possibility. What’s possible outside of what they already have.

In many cases, they’ve already given up on that. Your job is to help them connect to it again, if they’re up for it.

Get curious about what is possible for them — get fascinated by it. What would they love to go after?

They will have resistance to their possibility, because it’s not part of what they have let themselves believe about their world. They might get defensive. Be willing to be with their fear and defensiveness.

Gently ask questions that invite them to look at what might be possible outside what they are already predictable to do.

  • What do you want to do in your life?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • What else would you like to do?
  • What do you want in your life that feels impossible?
  • What would you do if money & time were not obstacles? If anything were possible?

Our job is to stand outside what they have already decided is possible. Without blaming them for shutting it down.

This is what causes them to get enrolled in our coaching — seeing possibility for themselves.

NEXT: What is the gap?